Practical Nursing


The licensed practical nurse is an integral practitioner on the health care team who renders nursing within a legally defined role. Practical nurse education prepares persons for gainful employment within the healthcare field with planned learning experience in a logical sequence.

The practical nursing curriculum includes both theory and supervised clinical experience which will enable students to obtain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function within the scope of practical nursing.

Graduates are issued a diploma and are prepared to successfully pass the Nation Council Licensure Examination for practical nursing. Licensure of practical nurses is regulated by the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Conviction of a misdemeanor or felony offense may be grounds for refusal by the Board to issue a license.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 12 Months
Clock Hours 1,296
Class Type Day
Credentials Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $4,320.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $4,043.00

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Practical Nursing1296Diploma

Special Enrollment Requirements
  1. Call (423) 417-1983 to schedule and pay the $50 non-refundable fee for the HESI A2 entrance exam. A free workshop is available on the main campus to assist applicants in preparation for the HESI A2 exam.
  2. After successfully passing the HESI A2 exam, applicants are responsible for meeting with the practical nursing administrative assistant to obtain the official nursing application packet. Completed packet/required documents must be returned to the nursing administrative assistant who can be reached at (865) 770-5267 or (423) 417-1983 and is located in building D on the main campus at 821 West Louise Ave, Morristown, TN 37813. The following is a list of required documents that the applicant is responsible for submitting:
    • Signed and dated Practical Nursing Student Application Form
    • Copy of official high school transcript, GED, or HiSet
    • Copy of HESI A2 passing score of 70 in both math and reading. (Exemption: Applicants 20 years of age or less with an ACT score of 19 or above in each section may submit an official copy of results.)
    • Signed and dated physical job requirements form
    • Proof of Immunizations (TB Skin Test, Tetanus, MMR (2), Varicella (2 or documentation of previous chicken pox diagnosis), and Hepatitis B)
  3. Once the nursing application packet/required documents have been returned, applicants must also complete the online application for enrollment to TCAT Morristown on the college website
  4. Applicants are encouraged to apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA at TCAT Morristown School Code: 013891.
  5. Additional information such as program cost, steps to apply, and HESI A2 information can be found on the pages linked below. You may also email the program at

The application steps for this program are strict.The first step is to register and take the HESI entrance exam. Failure to pass the exam or complete the required application will result in disqualification. Completion of application steps does not guarantee acceptance into the practical nursing program for term and/or site requested. New students enroll every term as space is available.

January Term - Newport location only

May Term - Morristown and Tazewell locations only

September Term - Morristown and Greeneville locations only

Scan the QR code for more information about the free workshop designed to prepare applicants for the HESI A2 exam. The workshop is not required but recommended.

Campus Locations

Tazewell Instructional Service Center
1325 Claiborne Street
Tazewell, TN 37879
Main Campus
821 West Louise Ave
Morristown, TN 37813-2094
Newport Instructional Service Center
216 Hedrick Drive
Newport, TN 37821
Greeneville Instructional Service Center
1420 Tusculum Blvd
Greeneville, TN 37743


First Trimester: 
Basic Nursing
Administration of Medications and Basic IV Therapy
A & P
Clinical I
Worker Characteristic
Second Trimester: 
Pharmacology I
Mental Health
Medical and Surgical Nursing I
Maternity Health
Clinical II
Worker Characteristic
Third Trimester: 
Clinical III
Advanced Professional Vocational Relations
Pediatric Nursing
Pharmacology II
Medical and Surgical Nursing II
Worker Characteristic


Regina Norton
Image of Faith Roper
Faith Roper
Rhonda Mantooth
Patsy McClanahan
Lauren Bull
Courtney Brooks
Tonya Linkous
image of Julie Haun
Julie Haun
(423) 586-5771

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