Stories @ TCAT

Tennessee College of Applied Technology


Return to Training Plan

April 24, 2020


Goals of Plan

Many of the goals for the Return to Training Plan reflect those in TCAT Morristown’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan. These goals may change based on new information and guidance concerning the pandemic. The updated goals are:

  • Continue to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff and students through CDC recommended guidelines;
  • Provide the necessary activities and vital skills training required for the college’s programs to reengage students in training;
  • Maintain a clean environment for educational activities.

Plan Components

The components of the Return to Training Plan:

  • Current timeframe for Summer Trimester;
  • Reengage Students in training while maintaining a safe environment.

Timeframe for Return

The following are the dates scheduled for the summer term. The start of the term will include returning students only and two new LPN classes. New student enrollment with additional LPN classes are currently scheduled to begin in the Fall. This date for new students could change to an earlier date in June based on updated virus models and guidance.


  • May 4th through May 8th will be a student holiday week, employees can use that week for work or have the option to take vacation days upon approval.
  • May 4th through May 15th staff will be working on the necessary requirements for the students to return and handling any issues regarding CARE, financial aid and re-enrollment. Staff may be granted leave if requested upon approval.
  • May 11th through May 15th will be an in-service week for Instructors to discuss their experience in delivery of off-site training, identifying best practices and discussion for possible future use. Intense workspace preparation will be performed that week to assist in providing an environment for a safe student return.
  • LPN faculty will use May 11th through May 15th for our new LPN students to cover orientation and paperwork that is generally provided during the Spring trimester, these students will be scheduled in small groups Monday through Friday.
  • May 18th students return to campus with infection control procedures from the Pandemic Plan, also listed below, established. Mask will be distributed to students and staff when classes resume.
  • Training days will be extended to ensure students receive 432 hours of training time by the terms end.

Reengage Students in training while maintain a safe environment

The primary business of TCAT Morristown is student training, it is vitally important to:

  • Ensure that classes can be conducted to allow for proper vocational/technical training;
  • Disinfect public areas on campus at a higher rate;
  • Limit gatherings of people to lessen the impact of the virus;
  • Manage instructional delivery for every course with an understanding that students and staff in training areas must maintain social distancing guidelines, wear a mask, demonstrate proper cough and handwashing techniques.
  • Review shop activities to reduce the number of students in any one area to allow proper spacing that maintains social distancing.
  • If virus infection rates in our area rise or updated guidance requires limiting contact, it will become necessary to move to some type of hybrid scheduling format. This may include hiring adjuncts to train smaller groups during the evening.

Infection Control Procedures

  • Social distancing, cough etiquette, proper hand washing, and the use of mask will be mandatory for all employees and students while on campus. Instructors and staff will monitor areas for adherence to the recommended guidelines.
  • Promote respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette and hand hygiene as for any respiratory infection and the benefit of wearing masks.
  • Ensure that materials for respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette (i.e., tissues and receptacles for their disposal) and hand hygiene are available.
  • Increase the number of cleaning rotations on all campuses especially water fountain and bathroom areas using anti-viral cleaning supplies.
  • Students should remain in their instructional area at all times except for scheduled restroom breaks or emergencies.
  • Community areas on the campus will remain closed including food areas.
  • Communications with front office personnel will be through phone or e-mail correspondence as much as possible.
  • The President or Vice-President will be responsible for necessary actions that may result if a student or staff member is suspected of having Covid-19. These actions may include requiring the individual to have a test and self-quarantine for the recommended number of days until test result documentation is provided for their return to the campus.